Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wandering around San Francisco

The women's building #1
Originally uploaded by sarahkate.
We walked all over The Mission today. We were supposed to go out for crepes this morning, but the crepe place was closed. Kate was very confused, because she called last night to make sure we could go. The guy on the phone said, "Yes. We will be open at 11am." Alas, he lied. No crepes for us. So we ate indian food. We then proceded to pass six, yes SIX bookstores, none of which I entered. It was the most amazing display of will-power I have ever shown. I was so proud of myself that I was strutting around like a peacock when we came across a yarn store and all my reserve went out the window. At "Imagiknit" I found some of the evasive and expensive beautiful recycled sari silk yarn at half the price it sells for on the internet. I also bought this amazing magical blue and green Italian wool and acrylic blend that looks like the sky in a Van Gogh painting.
We spent the rest of the afternoon just wandering around looking at buildings and the murals painted on them. The picture here is of the Women's Building, which is one of Kate's favorites. I saw so many beautiful murals today, I just want to go home and make everyone in St. Louis put huge colorful paintings all over the city. Today was a little bit gray, but I didn't even notice because of all the color on the buildings. This would solve the problem of lack-of-sunlight-depression I suffer from in winter time in the lou.
Needless to say, we didn't get to Alcatraz today. We might go tomorrrow.
Today's shoutout goes to Karen. I'm so glad you took the time to look! You were right, I love San Francisco.
More after dinner folks, and check out the flickr page for more photos.


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