Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Self-Portrait Tuesdays: Streptococcus!

Originally uploaded by sarahkate.
I have strep, again. I haven't had a streptococcus throat infection since I was a kid, but I used to get them all the time. As you can see, my tonsils are swollen and infected. They are also so sore that I can't swallow anything that is not in liquid form. My fever is gone, it was at one-oh-one-point-seven on Sunday, and around nintey-nine yesterday. I got some antibiotics from the doctor yesterday, after waiting at the office for two hours and being annoyed, insulted and prodded by med students. I'm not supposed to show my face in public for the next 48 hours to avoid contaminating the general populace. My plague-ridden self must stay at home and eat popscicles and answer emails all day long. I thought this would be a nice break, but I am bored and crabby and I CANNOT SWALLOW! Rollerderby is still moving along, I missed practice with Penny Royalty and I am so sad. I never get to hang out with her when she comes to town. Matt didn't get to see her either, but that's his own fault because he's lazy and he shouldn't complain to me about it. I've been trying to avoid the painkillers that have "PM" in the name on the bottle, but I think those are the ones i took, because my head is a little fuzzy right now. I will try to be healthy for next week's self portrait tuesday.


Blogger April said...

Ew. I thought I'd get a peek at Miz Manglin's purdy mug every Tuesday, not her bacterial infection.
On a completely side note: I don't have tonsils, but I used to. And they were not surgically removed. I'm a mutant!

5:55 PM  
Blogger sarahkate said...

Did they just fall off? Were they re-absorbed? Did you swallow them? I am intrigued.

11:38 PM  
Blogger April said...

They dissovled or absorbed or something to that effect. The same thing happened to my mom AND her twin, so my assumption is we are highly evolved freaks or somethin'. Not quite the same as having wings or being able to life things with my brain, but still it's something :)
I still get mad sore throats though, hmmpf.

11:21 AM  

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