Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday

I think I've missed the last two of these. I haven't been the best blogger. I'm waiting for Jill to come over today so we can run our errands together, and she's late. It is completely understandable, she has two small boys. Two small boys would make anyone late. While I've been waiting I've been catching up on reading my "MySpace" bulletins and doing a few memes. The last one I did asked what I was wearing, and I said "a turban" among other things. So here I am in my turban. It's actually a scarf wrapped around my head. I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair today. Anyway, that reminded me that I needed to blog and I figured a turban shot would be cool. I haven't actually checked the theme on the SPT sight in a while, so I'm sure I'm out of the loop. I think Jill's here, I'm off. Happy Tuesday.
Later: due to a problem with my DSL connection, this post did not go up on schedule. It was supposed to get up there at 11:45am. I have returned from errands, successful and satisfied. I went to both banks, and both grocery stores. I made hummus, green bean walnut pate, peanut noodles and potato leek soup. I think I'm going to take the night off practice to get the house in order and finish up the cooking. I also have a ton of derby email to answer.


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