Wednesday, November 30, 2005

it has been a crazy week!

Eesh! Thanksgiving went fairly smoothly, what with all the flitting around, and I ate a ton of tofurkey. Friday I worked a double and managed not to kill anyone in the process. Saturday day was crazy busy, I made fat cash and crashed at home. Kate and I were supposed to hang out with Penny before she left to return to the hinterlands of Chi-town, but we were way too exhausted. I slept. Kate was lonely in the morning so I took her to work with me. She had a California omlette at the bar and took my car home. Brunch was slow, but all my homies came in to eat. I saw Shawna, Boo-Boo and Lizzie. Joe came in too, and we talked about tattoo designs for my next piece. He gave me a ride home. I thought for a moment he had his motorcycle, and then I would have to ride without a helmet and I am so opposed to anyone riding without helmets that I lecture all of my two-wheelin' friends about it all the time. I got a ride in the car instead. On Sunday night in front of bad teevee with Shawna, I turned the heel on my first sock. Sorry for lack of pictures, I left the camera at the In-laws on Thursday. Monday was a double, we were so slow that I knit on my sock for a long time. Almost done! Yesterday I had breakfast with Jill, the boys, Mom, Toni and Aunt Patti. Jasper learned to say "please", "juice" and "doctor" while we were there. Smartest baby ever. I finished a book and started another, and then went to skating practice, where we were interviewed by Julie from the RFT. She was really sweet and even skated with us. Afterwards I experenced what seemed to be the longest work meeting in the history of BBh, but turned out to be just over an hour. Aaron Maye sent me the first ultrasound pictures of her baby, and I cried. I am so happy for her. Tonight Mom's taking me to see Wicked at the Fox and by a miraculous twist of fate, Kate is coming too. I am dealing with her decision to go to New Orleans as best I can, but I am sad. Later.


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