Wednesday, April 20, 2005

it's my birthday!

my birthday present
Originally uploaded by sarahkate.
Last night I went up the street to Tanner B's for drinks with the incomparable Humphries sisters. Jill and Sara made me a chocolate cake with homemade pink frosting and gave me this lovely princess phone for my birthday. A bunch of friends from highschool were there and much laughing about our misguided youths ensued. I wish Jill was not returning to Maryland today. She obviously wants to stay here, but I know she has business to settle in MD. I am going to miss her. It was lovely having her around for almost an entire month.
So it's my birthday. I'm thirty today. Shawna and My Aunt Patti (who is also my godmother) called this morning to wish me happiness. Matt has aranged for a new windshield to be put on my car, seeing as my old one is horribly cracked. I had cake for breakfast and I am currently drinking peach Lambic (a fancy kind of Belgian beer) even though it's not even noon. I do not have to work today. I may go to the book store later, and I would like to eat Vietnamese food for dinner. I'm not really freaking out about this whole "turning thirty" business. I figure, I survived my saturn return, this is nothing.
We'll see how I feel tonight after several cocktails. I'm going to find something fabulous to wear for this evening.


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