Here I am!
Sorry for the long absence folks, there's tons of stuff going on here at the petting zoo and I have been super busy. Taking care of the Sprout is a full-time job in and of itself. I hardly have time to sleep, let alone knit, go to roller derby, keep up with the laundry, garden, or blog.
Okay, so here's the last month's updates:
I quit my job at Blueberry Hill. I really miss my co-workers. I have only been in once since my last day. I talk to Jessica and Em on the phone, I see Jonathan at Derby, I occasionally will run into Maggie, but everyone else I just miss.
I don't miss the smokiness of the place. I don't miss coming home smelling like an onion ring. I don't miss late nite or the Elvis Room.
I've become the utility infielder at Duff's. I have actually been able to pick up quite a few shifts this summer, waiting and as the maitre d'. I'm working two days a week regularly and usually picking up at least one other. I love being back at Duff's and I love the support I get from my co-workers with the whole breastfeeding situation. I am able to pump when I need to, and Matt can bring the Sprout up to work for me to feed when he really needs me.
I have not been skating with ARRG. There are several reasons for this, the biggest being that I don't want to spend that much time away from Sprout. I haven't decided yet if and when I will attempt to skate again. Part of me just wants to stay in the position of announcer. I am in a position now where I can step completely out of all administrative responsibilities and just be a volunteer. (not that any of our volunteers are JUST volunteers. They work just as hard as the skaters do to keep this league running) When I founded the league, I wanted to play roller derby. I'm not sure if I still want to play roller derby, but I feel like I haven't really completed what I set out to do. I accomplished something different, I helped to start an organization in this city that fills so many needs, and I am really proud to have been a part of that. But, I need to re-assess my goals. After two injuries and nine months of maternity leave, I haven't skated in over a year. I have to decide if I want to play again, if I'm really ready, if there is even a place for me anymore. I've been on the other side of the line for so long, I don't know if I'll still fit. I'm doing a lot of soul searching on this topic right now.
My knitting is slow and not very productive. I have four socks in progress, a sweater for Sprout (made from dyeabolical yarn!), and a hat almost finished that was supposed to be KIKI's X-Mas gift. Yeah, I know. I'm a bad friend.
The garden is really small this year, just tomatoes and peppers. My father-in-law planted it for me when I was hugely pregnant, or I wouldn't have a garden at all. So far everything to come out of it is fantastic.
My neighbor across the alley is growing sunflowers. They are probably about 10 feet tall. I smile every morning when I see them. I am insanely jealous and plan to plant a wall of sunflowers next year.
Okay, now for the Sprout update. He's 16 weeks old, weighs about 12 lbs and is around 24 inches tall. He's getting all fat and healthy looking. I looked at Matt's baby pictures yesterday at the in-laws' house, and in profile, our boy looks just like his daddy.