Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sorry about yesterday.

Boy, was I a whiny little brat. Sorry about all that.
Last night we had an impromptu barbecue in the back yard and broke out the firepit forthe first time this season. Clancy, Tara, Shawna, V, Joe and Kiki were here. We ate grilled things, hummus, homemade salsa, salad, baked beans and fruit. They all drank beer. We made s'mores after dinner. It was a wonderful way to celebrate great weather.
I have an OB appointment in about an hour. Lets see how amazingly dilated I am this week wothout progressing any further into labor. At this rate, I will be fully dilated and the kid still won't come out. My sister was three weeks late. I am begining to think that this child may take after her.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I have been doing something kind of stupid. I've been shopping online. I haven't bought anything, I've just been looking at stuff. Unfortunately, it is mostly stuff I can't afford, no matter how much I want it or need it. Take for instance, these shoes;

and these ones too:

I want these shoes. They are cute, inexpensive and totally something I would buy if I had money. There's the problem.
I haven't worked all month, because my doctor said the Sprout would come early, so I have no money. Matt has worked a whole bunch, to make up for the fact that I am not working, and to pay all the bills. I would feel really selfish asking him for money to buy cute shoes.
I want cute shoes right now because all my clothes are old, ratty maternity things that I have been wearing for the past six months. All the cute, non-ratty maternity things don't fit anymore. But shoes, shoes will fit! Shoes will make me feel like a new woman. Shoes will make me feel like I have retained some modicum of personality in light of becoming a waddling pregnant mess.
I know that soon I will have a new baby and shoes will once again become slightly less important. I know that I will go back to work at some point and be able to purchase my own shoes. I just feel lousy right now because I can barely justify spending money on a weekly visit to the chiropractor, let alone on things to adorn my feet.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Return of Self Portrait Tuesday

I used to be really good about these. I did them every week, tried to follow the theme and had fun with it. It has been months, so before it's all over with, I give you the obligatory baby belly shot for Self portrait Tuesday. Let me preface by saying that it is really hard to photograph your own belly.

Obviously I haven't had this baby yet. I'm a bit peeved at my OB for pushing my due date up and making me all anxious. I think I'm going to go for a long walk and treat myself to something really spicy for dinner. I'm giving up on labor and have decided to remain pregnant for the next few years.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

No baby yet.

Sorry for the delay. I'm trying.
Mostly I am just frustrated. I spent most of Friday night having contractions. They were strong and 45 minutes apart. I thought I was gearing up for a long labor, but after eight hours, they just stopped.
Saturday my mother-in-law and Matt's Aunts threw me a sweet shower. I had a great time, it was very chill. I was uncomfortable all day long, but still no baby.
This morning I had Brunch with Mom, Annie, Toni, Alan, Shawna and V at MoKaBe's. Matt and I are just hanging out at home, I'm eating pineapple and thinking about getting some Mexican food for dinner.
I am so sick of being pregnant. Sorry if I sound like a whiner.
I finished that one sock I was knitting. Instead of starting to knit its mate, I started a different sock. I know that's not cool, but I was bored. Don't report me to the knitting goddesses, please.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Almost four!

I went to the OB. I'm almost 4cm dilated. He says everything looks good and ready to go. He said "Be ready to call me when you are having regular contractions 3 to 5 minutes apart." I'm having them, but they aren't that regular or that close together. All I can do now is wait.
I am so ready to have this baby.
Today I finished all the laundry and vacuumed the house.
Kate did the dishes.
I had pizza for dinner with Stan and Rosemary, Kate's folks. Yum.
My sister-in-law will be here tomorrow, my sister will be here Saturday.
Tonight I'm going to make Kate poke at my pressure points while we watch Firefly.
The hospital has WiFi. I promise not to blog the entire birth, but I will put up pictures of Sprout as soon as he or she is photographable.
Oh yeah. I started another sock.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ready, Set, Sprout!!!

The Yarn Harlot believes that babies do not come until their kinitting is finished.

I give you the matching socks. Let the labor begin.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Socks that Rock

Color: Socks That Rock, Highway 30, Blue Moon Fibre Arts. Thanks Ann!
Pattern: Just your basic stockinette roll top with flap heel. Nothing fancy.
Comfort level: Squishy.

Now to make some for the Sprout.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

We are now at 38 weeks

Thank you to everyone for the encouraging words and supportive comments. It helps.
Okay, I had breakfast at Soda Fountain Square with Toni and Alan today, then Alan and I went back to the house and played Katamari Damacy for a while. I love that game. Alan loves the part where the winner of the round gets to drop bottlecaps on the loser's head.
I attended the ARRG board meeting and left with my derby bag literally and figuratively empty. I am very confident that everything will be taken care of while I am out of commission. Now I just need to have the actual baby so I can get on with my life.
My sister has informed me that she will be coming to town next weekend for three days. I am so happy that Annie will be here, I almost don't care if the kid comes before or after her visit.
Kate will be arriving tomorrow night. I really feel like everything is falling into place.
I am almost finished with the Socks That Rock socks for me and plan to start immediately on the baby version as soon as they are done. I will put up pictures of the socks tomorrow.
Okay. I will now attempt, once again, to sleep.
Et, voila! For your derby enjoyment, the ARRG Season 2 Schedule!

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


I didn't sleep last night. I didn't ride on the ARRG float in the St. Pat's parade this morning. I sat on the couch, laid in the bed, walked around the house and felt like so much poo. I finally got to sleep around 12:30pm. I'm all backwards and sleepy still, but I can't seem to stay asleep for more than a couple of hours, I feel really crazy and anxious. I've watched at least one Star Wars movie everyday for the past week. I'm getting wiggy. This baby better come soon, or I'll lose my mind.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Three Centimeters!

Note: this post was supposed to go up yesterday, but due to problems with blogger I just got it fixed and up now. sorry for the delay.

Yep, I'm three centimeters dilated. My OB doesn't seemed too concerned, which baffles me. I mean, this is the man who told me at the begining of the month that he didn't think this baby would go full term. He said Sprout would probably be here between the 12th and the 24th. When I went in this morning for my check up he informed me of the advances in dilation and then told me HE'S GOING TROUT FISHING THIS WEEKEND! I'm sorry, WHAT? Who does he think he is, Richard Brautigan? This kid could (as Casey loves to put it) fall out at any minute, and my OB has decided to go trout fishing. I'm a bit peeved.
I guess I'll just have to hold out until he gets back on Monday. Which will work. Kate gets to town on Monday, so I would have had to wait for her anyway.
Maybe I'll just have the baby tomorrow or Saturday morning. That will work. Doc's not leaving til Saturday afternoon. Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not in control here, the Sprout is. What was I thinking?
So, you want some knitting progress. I can deliver that at least.
Here's block #10 on Lizard Ridge. I finished it on tuesday and decided to take a short break from the blanket.

I've come to terms with the fact that this blanket will not be finished before the Sprout is born. I still have 15 blocks to make. I am okay with this.
To break the monotony of multi-colored backand forth short row blanket blocks, I decided to make a pair of socks.

The yarn is Socks That Rock: Highway 30, courtesy of Annie. I love this yarn! I'm almost done with the first one and looking forward to #2. If I have any leftovers (I usually do) I will make a pair of matching ones for the Sprout. Mattie thinks this is an excellent idea, and has already planned how he will photograph our feet on matching socks.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

having trouble

I have a lovely, witty post with knitting pictures and an ARRG season schedule flyer all lined up and ready to go, but I am having problems getting Blogger to behave right now. So you'll just have to wait until the morning.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Missed one.

Sorry. I'm not in labor, I just haven't slept well in ages. I've been trying to catch an hour or two whenever I can, so I missed knitting group tonight. Sorry Rachel, hold my yarn for me, okay? I'll be in asap.

I finished block #10 on Lizard Ridge. I started a sock with the STR that Annie gave me last week. I tried to buy some Lorna's Laces and Dyeabolical sock yarns, I will be successful in that tomorrow.

I went to the Chiropractor today and got some acupressure for labor. I'm going to the OB tomorrow for another check up. I really want some sesame tofu from Lemongrass, so Matt went to get it. He humors me. I love him more than life itself.

Tomorrow I can officially announce the Arch Rival Rollergirls Season Two schedule, which will make everyone happy, no doubt.
I'm going to try to refrain from going into labor for a few more days, but I'm not promising anything.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Eight, nine, ten.

Okay, so the pictures from Columbia didn't turn out so great. Luckily we had such a good time that it really doesn't matter. The Destruction Junction Derby Dames were great and I can't wait to see how they come together as a league. The folks at Empire Rink were wonderful to host us again and we look forward to having other bouts there in the future. I think our rookies enjoyed their debuts and I'm very proud of Fraulein for blocking her butt off.
Now, knitting.

Three more blocks for Lizard Ridge. This whole not working thing makes for lots of knitting time. I finished two and a half blocks in the past two days. Number ten, on the right there, is being knit with the leftover ends from the previous nine blocks. It is not a new Noro color combo available. Sorry. I am enjoying the garishness of the blueish-purple against the peachy-yellow. I think I'll do the next repeat in a turquoise-to-orange shade I have left. This blanket is going to be so colorful that the Sprout's eyes will be permanantly crossed. Just kidding. Sprout will have perfect eyes and no vision issues like Mama and Daddy.
Speaking of Sprout, I have been having irregular contractions (totally normal, do not panic), and am suffering from ever-shrinking-bladder-syndrome, so you all know it is just a matter of time...

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Quickshot Weekend Update (without Pictures)

On Friday night Jill and the boys came over with Catholic fish dinner. The only time I get religion is when it's Lenten Fish Fry time. I will do just about anything for one of those styrofoam containers full of greasy fishy goodness. Jill went to a St. John the Theologian Serbian Orhtodox church, which is one of my mother's favorites. The fish was good, the fries were tasty and the sampling she brought from the dessert table was awesome. Next week we're gonna hit St. Joan of Arc, whch is famous throughout south St. Louis. We hung out here afterwards and watched an Austin Powers move (I confess, I did more knitting than watching, I'm not sure which one it was) and then early to bed.
On Saturday morning Jill and the boys came back and picked me up for soulard market. We did our produce shoppingm went to Forest Park and fed the ducks, ate lunch at the Imo's where Sara works and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the little playground by my house. Miles and Jasper had a great time and were totally worn out by the time she took them home at 3:00.
Saturday evening, Toni, the Hel-Kat, the Fraulein and I piled into the Subaru and high tailed it down to Columbia for the ARRG second annual CoMo Demo Bout! Once again the Pink Vixens battled the Black Angels in an "almost too close to call" game that ended with the Angels winning by only one point, 74-73. I got to announce with Grave Danger, who looked so incredibley hot (it's becoming a common occurence) while I waddled around the rink like a beach ball with legs. Toni said she overheard one of the spectators say something to the tune of "Man, if that girl with the pigtails sneezes we are all in for one hell of a halftime show!" Danger kept asking me if I would please have the baby right then and there. Luckily I did not. Sprout did kick throughout the entire third period, right along with the crowd cheering like crazy folk. Hel-Kat was exhausted and was seriously wiggy on the drive home.
I got up this morning and had Brunch with Joe, and then came home to take a nap. I missed Big Al's birthday party at the Sky Zone, but I'm sure that jumping on trampolines all afternoon would have been bad for me. Must watch Rome now. Pix of CoMo later.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Saturday Only!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, ARRG will be holding our second annual Columbia Demonstration Derby Bout this Saturday, 3/10 at the lovely Empire Roller Rink. Tickets are $12 and the doors open at 9pm! I'll be announcing with the lovely and talented Grave Danger as the ARRG Pink Vixens take on the Black Angels for down and derby action!

In knitting news, I had tea at Shugga's with Ann this morning and she gave me yarn! I love Ann! She is also making Lizard Ridge, but wants to stick with earthy-non-yellow tones so I gve her one ball of Kureyon I had and she generously gave me two. And some Socks That Rock Highway 30! Thanks Ann!

On the baby front, I went to the OB today. Everything is fine and normal. Sprout is healthy and strong and coming soon. This baby is very active, recently started getting hiccups, and takes after Daddy in his or her preference for acting in a night-owl fashion. I am just about ready to pop. Many of you have offered suggestions on how to get labor jumpstarted. I am taking them all to heart. Here is a brief list:
eat something spicy
walk up and down the street with one foot in the gutter, one on the curb
jump on a trampoline
climb stairs
lift furniture
plan to do something you've really been looking forward to and will never have the oppurtunity to do again

It looks like I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks.

P.S. Hey April, we will announce our second season dates next week. We are finalizing our contract with the venue on Sunday. You don't need to use Derby as an excuse to visit, just tell Ryan you are racking up frequent flyer miles.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Six and Seven!

Moving right along with Lizard Ridge, here are blocks six and seven!

I went to Knit Night at Knitorious last night. It was really good to see everyone and to meet some new folks. I wish I could have gone to the Pancake Extravaganza afterwards, but duty called and I had a board meeting to attend. I plan to continue to go knitting until the Sprout comes, then I will attend as soon afterwards as possible. It is really nice to be around other knitters for a couple of hours. Also, Rachel brought in some samples of the yarn she has been dyeing and let us all fondle and admire. I cannot wait until her business is up and operational. Wait until she announces the company name, you'll want her yarn just so you can say where it came from!
I bought some more Noro Kureyon, most of it is in colors I already have. I plan to start making blocks from two different colors to mix it up a bit, instead of just waiting for the Noro order to come in at Knitorious. Am I a bit impatient? Possibly. I want to have this blanket as close to finished as possible when the Sprout arrives, and I still need 18 blocks.
I may have to swing by Knitorious again today. I really want to go back and get the Lorna's laces Dafodil sock yarn I was lovingly fondling last night, but didn't have the cash to purchase. I would like to make some new socks for myself and that colorway is so beautiful. See? So I really want to go back to the shop and grab some to make a pair of spring socks for myself. I think I actually might attempt some toe-up socks.
What's that you say? Sarah Kate has never made toe-up socks? And she calls herself a knitter! What a fraud! Here we all thought she was fancy and daring and cutting edge.
Confession time: I am a wimp. I have knit about seventeen pairs of socks and all of them have been from the ankle down on dpns. I have experimented with different heels and different patterns, but they have all been knit in the same basic way. But as of today, I promise to stop allowing monotony to infiltrate my sock knitting. I declare from here on out that I will be more adventurous! I will try to branch out. I will knit socks from the toe up! I also have resolved to put down the dpns and try at least one of the circular needle methods of sock knitting. I'm not going to go overboard and try to knit two socks from the toe up at once on two circular needles blindfolded with one hand behind my back or anything super fancy like that, but I am willing to embrace new methods.
See, I am flexible in my knitting.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I have been neglectful.

But that all will change now. I am officially on maternity leave! I have tons to do still, but at least now I have a bit more time to do it in. I feel like I have replaced working with going to the doctor. I was working four days a week, now I am at various appointments four days a week. In short, I have more time to blog. So starting today, I resolve to make a concerted effort to post every day until the Sprout arrives. You charming readers are going to be bored out of your heads by my mindless prattle, I promise.
So without further ado, let's get caught up, shall we?

My mother (left) and her sweet friends Beth (center), Chris (right) and Marbie (not pictured), threw me an absolutely georgous baby shower on the 24th.
It was at Chris's house, which is just the most beautiful Victorian rehab in the Shaw neighborhood. I hadn't been there since I was a kid and let me tell you, this woman has done an amazing job. I would kill for her kitchen. They spent so much time on the decorations and the food, everything was beautiful and delicious! Here's a peek at the desert display. I ate most of that. Heh.

And what's a party without fancy out-of-town guests? That's right folks, the amazing and talented Kiki was in town for the weekend from NOLA and graced us with her pressence, (she graced Sprout with an awesome set of crocheted Wizard of Oz finger puppets.) and for once actually let me take her picture without making a snarky face. You may also notice the elusive Annie Buckles in the background there, she too came to town for the weekend and brought her future niece or nephew a bunch of beautiful, thoughtful gifts. It's gonna be no contest, Princess Anne will be one of this baby's favorite people. She did bring Penny the Peanut with her, but I was unable to photograph Little Miss Pugsalot due to my father's utter and total hogging of the dog. Daddy loves him some Penny.
All in all, it was a wonderful shower, the Sprout and I were spoiled beyond belief, and I was once again reminded that my mother has the best girlfriends anyone could hope for.

On the 5th, Melicious of the Texas Rollergirls came to St. Louis to sign her new book Rollergirl and ARRG was in attendance! The Hel-Kat was my date for this event and she had a blast. Melicious was so sweet to her, answering all of her questions and posing for pictures with her after signing her copy of the book. I truly believe the Hel-Kat was star struck. Not only did she get to meet a famous out-of-town rollergirl, but she got to sit next to Miss Lippy during the signing. She wasted no time getting down to business.

She started reading while waiting for her mom to come pick her up!

The rollergirls threw me a really fun shower on the Saturday the 3rd. We conviened at Cid's house for treats and pressent opening. This little Sprout now has an amazing wardrobe, complete with tons of cool socks. I got so many beautiful gifts, I'm going to be writing thank you notes until my fingers fall off. I didn't take any pictures. I was too overwhelmed by the generosity of the women in the league.
On Sunday I worked my last shift at Duff's. I said "goodbye til May" to my regulars, ate some banana pancakes and promised to bring the Sprout in as soon as s/he gets here. I went home and got ready for the First Annual ARRG Awards Banquet at the Venice Cafe. We had a good time, everyone got all gussied up and brought all kinds of great food. Pictures? Sure, I got pictures! Some of them are slightly inappropriate for this blog, so I will just post the cute ones and leave the drunken Rollergirl shots for our private photo collections. Don't want to slander anyone.
As you can see, we all were dressed to the nines and having a great time. Polly Lop made one of here famous ice cream cakes
which didn't even have time to melt because it was scarfed so quickly.

Many awards were handed out and drinking and dancing continued to the wee hours. You should have seen Grave Danger slinking around in that dress she had on, it was like she was an entirely different person. A scary, super sexy, vampy person. Magnum actually lost the power of speach when she said "Hi" to him.

This week hasn't been very blogworthy, I've mostly been washing and putting away baby clothes

that sprout got from the showers. I have knitting group tonight and I am going to post pictures of Lizard Ridge's progress tomorrow morning. I should have two new blocks to show you by then. Whee! Okay, enough for now. Back to writing thank you notes and folding baby blankets.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

coming later this afternoon

Er... make that "coming sometime tomorrow" Work went long, my last shift at BbH before Sprout arrives. Too tired to get into detail. Look for more on Saturday.

The week in review. Knitting, rollerderby, gestational updates, possible food news, and musings on the passing of a really tough chick. With photos.