Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just some thoughts...

I love the Tower Grove Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings. It's small and all local, there's live music and we always run into someone we know. I still hit Soulard in the early morning, but TGFM has captured my heart.

I've become a morning person. I'm up between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning now, and there is nothing on earth like taking a walk through the neighborhood when the sun is just coming up. Sprout loves it too.

I'm really lucky to have the family I was born into. We went to a smallish reunion yesterday. It was my mom's side of the family, the Sicilians, and it just shocks me how easy everyone is with eachother. I have to give my cousin Scott kudos for pulling these reunions together.

ARRG's season opener went well, I haven't got the details of attendance yet, I'll post a short recap later.

Amish tomatoes taste like summer, even in May.

The strawberry crop this year is pitiful, due to all the rain we've had, and the late frost in April probably killed off all the peaches. This depresses me to no end.

Knitting while nursing is much more difficult then I thought it would be. I held V all the time and knit, so I figured sprout would be the same, sleeping on my chest while I knit him little hats. Not so. I smell like milk, and that just gets him all worked up. I should have knit more before he came.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Some things

Due to some small problems with blogger, this post went up without text and is now a week late. Sorry. Thanks to Lucinda and Rachel for commenting anyway!

First off, this is my brother-in-law's VW Beetle. It is sitting in my backyard. I want it out of my back yard. If you are interested in purchasing such a vehicle, here's the dirt. It's a 1966, it's got a dual carb bored out 1675 engine that is fairly new and has about 3000 miles on it. He has done a lot of work on it and is a mite picky about who it will go to. If you are interested, and understand what a "dual carb bored out 1675 engine" means, please email me at sarahk8queen at yahoo dot com and I'll pass your info on to him. I will be eternally grateful to the person who removes this thing from my parking pad.

Here we have the sprout, swaddled in all his glory. I put the mobile up on his crib this week. He is now old enough to see it, and he seems enchanted.

Here's a bunch of weird novelty yarn that my sister-in-law brought me from Chicago. She got it at the dollar store. I'm thinking: crazy hats, with fuzzy trim. Baby sized of course. Also, I may make some scarves and hats for the stuffed animals I'm making. Pictures of them soon!

Here's a shot of my garden for this year. My father-in-law planted tomatoes and three kinds of peppers for me right after the sprout showed up, since I was in no way going to be able to get anything in the ground. I need to weed. I also need to start planning for changes in next year's garden. I'm thinking raised boxes so I can navigate them better, and so our little sprout will be able to help a bit. he's already very interested in whatever mama does in the morning with the dirt.

Last but not least, here's my current knitting. On the left we have some Regia in a double blue colorway that I am trying to work out a simple cable pattern for. I'm not sure if I'm going to just rip this out and start over, I can't concentrate on cables yet. On the right is the first of my summer socks for this year. I haven't cast on for the second, this is the first time I've experienced second sock syndrome. It stinks.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

See the boy?

Pictures taken on Auntie Beth's MacBook Photo Booth.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

updates from the zoo

I went to the OB today. All is well. I am healed and recovered from childbirth, hooray! I am also cleared to start practicing with ARRG again. That's right people, Mary Manglin' is back on wheels! Or rather, she will be next Monday night, if Mama Manglin' is intersted in watching the Sprout for a few hours.
I am also back at work at Duff's. Unfortunately, my new work schedule conflicts with Wednesday night knitting group at Knitorious. Sniff. I will no longer be able to attend, which is something I was looking forward to doing on a regular basis. Perhaps I can stalk the knitting group, as I am fairly certain they go to IHOP or some other breakfast related place after the shop closes.
I am starting a pair of toe-up socks and a small hat and sweater set for Sprout this weekend. Everything is ready to go, I have yarn, needles and patterns, I just need time to use them. I would like to say that I am being realistic and making the 12 to 18 month size sweater and hat for my six week old son. I'm no fool. I can see how little knitting time I have right now.
I also have very little sleeping time, so I'm going to catch a few minutes while the baby is down.

Friday, May 11, 2007


What the sprout and I will be doing tonight, form 7-10. Then we will be sleeping.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Just some quick photos...

Here, eye candy. I'm knitting again, but I'll show you all later. For now, here's my boy!
Here he is with his Grandpa, Daddy and Great Grandpa.
Here he is just looking cute.
More later.