Just some thoughts...
I've become a morning person. I'm up between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning now, and there is nothing on earth like taking a walk through the neighborhood when the sun is just coming up. Sprout loves it too.
I'm really lucky to have the family I was born into. We went to a smallish reunion yesterday. It was my mom's side of the family, the Sicilians, and it just shocks me how easy everyone is with eachother. I have to give my cousin Scott kudos for pulling these reunions together.
ARRG's season opener went well, I haven't got the details of attendance yet, I'll post a short recap later.
Amish tomatoes taste like summer, even in May.
The strawberry crop this year is pitiful, due to all the rain we've had, and the late frost in April probably killed off all the peaches. This depresses me to no end.
Knitting while nursing is much more difficult then I thought it would be. I held V all the time and knit, so I figured sprout would be the same, sleeping on my chest while I knit him little hats. Not so. I smell like milk, and that just gets him all worked up. I should have knit more before he came.