This is the photo I planned to post at the beginning of last week, back when I was excited about the snow. Now that it is all mushy and mostly melted, I'm over it. The snow, that is, I still like the picture. I've been introspective this month, sorry for not blogging. Josser has started crawling, and chasing a baby takes up a ton of my time too. I'm planning on knitting this evening after he's in bed, and I'm actually excited about it!
The end of February is upon us, lets take a quick look at those resolutions. A quick check up on how I'm doing, if you will.
1. Buy organic and local: Check
2. Choose recycled: Check.
3. Shop local/indie: With the exception of the occasional jaunt to Target, check.
4. Bike and walk: The weather has been a bit nasty for this, but this week I've gone for a walk almost every day, so checkish. I'll work on this one.
5. Vegan for February: Well, I did cut out meat this month. I've been vegetarian, mostly vegan this month. I'll try again in one of the summer months, when the fresh produce will make it so much easier.
6. Get cats chipped: Not yet.
7. Wax eyebrows: Avoid "cavewoman" look. I've been plucking. I did get a snazzy new haircut!
8. Knitting goals: Oooh boy. Matt's Knucks are the only thing on that list that's finished. I need to get my knit on.
9. Sewing machine repair: The machine is at the shop. Check.
10, 11. No one is getting or giving a hard time: Check.
12. Make gifts: Still working on that one.
13. Remember how lucky I am: Check.
14. Kiss the boys: Check.
15. Be gracious: Mostly check. Still working on this one.
16. Send thank-yous: Check.
17. No unproductive thinking. Mostly check. I'm doing really well with this.
18. Use the Library: Check.
19. Less time watching teevee: Check. I'm watching too many DVDs. Especially Heroes with Toni and My So-Called Life with Matt. I blame them, enablers that they are.
20. Work on upstairs: I'm giving myself a pass on this one, since we laid a new kitchen floor and this week. Matt's been working upstairs, can I rest on his laurels?
21. Weekly blogs: January was great. February, not so much. March will be better. I promise.
22. Take vitamins: Check.
23. Back down the driveway: Check.
24. Cloth bags: Check.
So I'm keeping about 15 of them. Not bad.
Now, here's the part where I distract you with pictures. Look at those cute boys and that awesome floor!
I love my kitchen!