An entire week's worth of fun and excitement!
I came home and did some work on the garden, not much, I'm saving it all for tomorrow. Here's a quick look at the tomato plants, with the herbs in the background. I do have bad news for the veggie lovers, something buggish has eaten all my carrot sprouts. I may try to sprout some more later in the summer. I am disappointed.
Matt and I went to Opera Theatre's dress rehearsal of Jane Eyre. Kate got us tickets, the seats were great. I'm sorry to say that I really didn't like the music. The set was cool, very minimalistic, just a chair and a small stool, a staircase and a chandelier. I loved the lighting effects, which provided for all of the scenery changes throughout the entire opera. The costumes were beautiful, Jane's brown bonnet in particular, which Kate worked on for a week, even though it was only on stage for about twenty seconds.
Yesterday: Self-Portrait Tuesday, which I have been neglecting for a month, has returned. This installment is complimented by an uncooperative kitty, who refused to smile no matter how nicely I asked. She's such a brat.
Although I must say, my new shoes and purple space socks do look awesome with the bricks and tiger lily leaves.
Monday I worked and went to Roller Derby Practice. There was news on the Bout Space Front (hehehe B.S.F.) but I'm not a jinxer. Nope, not me.
Sunday was my brunch shift at Duff's, where I was teased incessantly by my co-workers about the RFT article (which I have refrained from linking to again, aren't you proud of my restraint?) and my own personal Buffy Season 7 Marathon. Early to bed.
Saturday the tuckpointers came while I was working a double. My garden was covered in a thin layer of red brick dust, making the plants seem slightly cinnamon-y. Also, the holes in my wall from pieces falling off are gone. We have been returned to "full wall enclosure" status from "living like hoosiers" status. I understand that these statuses (statii?) are self-imposed, but I feel better being a member of the former, rather than the later.
I know I put up a short post on Saturday about broken AC and my perceived Tibetan bovine aroma, but I felt I needed to add these few bits of information. Saturday was not a total wash, but I did hit the showers upon returning home. (sorry. I'm a dork.)
Friday was great! I went to Scharf Farm for strawberry pickin' with Toni and Alan. See? Fun.
Alan took both of these pictures.
I like this one because he is so obviously trying to concentrate on being weird, and work the camera at the same time. His tongue is really gross. Notice how he managed to get the rows of strawberries in the background. I do believe he has talent and potential.
Work on Friday night was cool, it went by quick. I got the new Scott Pilgrim after I got off and read it right away. Almost as good as the last one. I cannot wait for number four. I decided to buy up all the Gloomcookie graphic novels while I wait for it. I heart Goth comics.
Last but not least, Thursday's practice was injury and accident central for Derby. Cid busted up her knee, and we won't know until tomorrow just how bad it is. She says if she needs surgery, she's getting it done this week, so she can be healed and back on wheels by July. Don't mess with Cid. Alizarin Rose, Chilly, Gypsi and Boo all took spills. I haven't seen Gypsi since Thursday, but Rose is fine, Chilly's hip didn't even bruise and Boo was more surprised than hurt I think. Boo's new skates did something really weird.
Both Coach Ken (thirty years of skating experience) and Brian (works in a skate shop) had never seen that happen. Let's have another look.
The tread actually came off the wheel while she was skating. I think it is a miracle she didn't break her ankle.
The scariest injury, for me at least, was Jenny Bonebreak's. She caught a skate to the nose!
I was sure it was broken, but there's just a smallish cut across the bridge. When I saw all the blood, I panicked and told Barb to call an ambulance. (Just know this derby girls: I take all of your injuries very seriously. I don't want anyone hurt, and if anyone is hurt, I want to make sure you get the medical attention you need ASAP. We will have a medical staff at practices soon. I am working on it.) Anyway, back to Jenny. We cancled the ambulance and she went home with ice on her nose. Last night at practice she said it barely hurt anymore. Ken and I were betting she'd have two black eyes. Either that girl is a fast healer, or her nose is super tough. Go Jenny!
So there you have it, the week in review. Ta Da. Tomorrow: knitting and staking of the tomato plants.